Shipping Custom Printed Cardboard Boxes

1970 - 1979 years:
The beginning of this decade was marked by the Custom Printed Cardboard Boxes first signs of the global economic crisis. Following the increase in oil prices that began in 1973, followed by a general rise in prices, slowdown in industrial countries and the development of mass unemployment. The concept of productivity has replaced the desire to increase production. Increased the importance of environmental issues in the workplace. The appearance on the market of microprocessors (Intel 4004 in 1971) and industrial robots opened up new opportunities for producers.

Trends in packaging:
Curve consumption came down, but the desire for the well-being remains. Increased freedom of choice of lifestyle. In the structure of consumption of a widespread . Packing for supermarkets has acquired a new quality. In 1973 in the in 1977, a unified system of product coding has been adopted.
Branded Packaging has changed due to the internationalization of companies. It was formalized basic packaging requirements: 1) the cost of the package should be low; 2) package should be tailored to all stages of use - from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Packing is only effective when it is based on the principle of saving energy and material, can be processed and filled automatic lines and is suitable for transportation and storage without compromising on quality. It is necessary to enable Custom Printed Cardboard Boxes on the package, because it acts as a means of communication with the buyer. It should also be easy to open, be practical to use and recyclable, it is desirable to further processing. 

Ongoing development of the use of display for packaging. Started heat-resistant foil. Fresh food packaging provides The larger shelf life. Efficient logistics requires standardization of transport packaging sizes. The speed of the packaging machine increases, but the emphasis is transferred to the efficiency and not on the number. The equipment should be compact and able to work with different types of packaging, including packaging lines composed.


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