How can you boost-up your display product sales?

The mammoth products which are being generated by the business on daily basis are being dispatched to the market for the sale. They are not sold in random and disorder way. They are first placed in order and in proper organization before being sale. Those products are displayed in very attractive and dashing way. There are several reasons behind displaying the products in shelf. First, presenting of products in front of public holds paramount importance. Some products may be new and latest and people may not be familiar with the new products. Displaying of products provides ample opportunity for the new products to be exhibited in well-mannered way. Second, customers who visit the markets for the purchasing of products have very little time to check all the products available in the market.
According to recent researches, customers have just 5 to 10 seconds to have glance and sight on the products displayed. They are confused in the selection of right products. Packaging of products in shipping display cardboard boxes in very unique and distinguished way spells out the difference between your product and other products. It makes very easy for the customers to select right and accurate products instantly. It makes the display products stand unique in display shelf's.


1.     Usage of color codding

There is color for every mood and retailer should consider the power of color coordination when planning their visual merchandising displays. The use of the right colors can enhance a display even if the qualities of the items are substandard. Contrasting colors help customers to take notice by drawing their eye to the display. It’s not only bold colors that attract attention; a simple black and white display could encourage customers’ interest.

Image result for color to attract customers

2.     Placing your products on Focal Point

Business should pay attention to where the customer’s eye will be drawn to in their store. Successful visual merchandising should lead your customer to the items you want them to take notice of. Including too many focal points in your store may confuse the customer because they’re not sure where to look. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes when assessing your visual merchandising.

3.     Lighting in the display

 The use of appropriate lighting in visual merchandising helps to set the mood of the store. Bright lights create a modern feel while softer lighting gives stores a more intimate ambiance. The color of the lights can also reflect your retail brand. Lighting should be used to draw attention to your visual merchandising. Bold and bright lights can be used to highlight your display.

4.     Displaying of maximum products

Make the most out of your visual merchandising by adding as many products as possible to your display. Products should be presented in an organized way so as not to overcrowd the display. You want to expose the customer to as many items as possible to increase the chances of a sale. Show off your products on unique pieces, like unusual tables or other furniture to create that ‘wow’ effect.

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