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The history of development of packaging:
It is now difficult to imagine that just 50 years ago, milk sold in glass bottles (or spilled in bringing customers the container), medicines in tablet form - in cartons or glass bottles, powders wrapped in parchment in a pharmacy, food (cookies) were weighed and wrapped in paper or paper bag and candies in a Corrugated Cardboard Boxes Manufacturers were considered a luxury item. There was no aseptic filling technology in the composite paperboard (Invention of Tetra Pak), there was no blister packaging for medicines and a transparent plastic package.

Over the past 50 years in the field of packaging materials, equipment, and design solutions for the packaging has tremendous changes, followed by industry professionals and consumers to follow, not least thanks to the exhibition, celebrated their "golden" anniversary. This company ( describes the main achievements and innovations in the field of packaging.

1950 - 1959 years:
The annual rate of economic growth in the industrialized countries of the West has reached 15%. In its development, the countries of any follow the consumption patterns. Dramatically increasing the number of consumer goods. Consumption trends change frequently, which leads to a reduction in product life cycle.

Trends in packaging:
In retail, a growing proportion of self-service stores. This form of trade involves goods prepackaging. Now the packaging and all that therein is shown, performs the function of informing the customer about the product. Drawing on the packaging serves as a product brand. Furthermore, the packaging becomes disposable and thereby more hygienic.
With increasing demand for packaged goods is a growing need and in packaging materials. Logistics and consumers need to standardize the types of Corrugated Cardboard Boxes  Manufacturers on an international scale.
Quality of packaging also increases in order to create a more attractive appearance of the goods. Included in the packaging is fashion of transparent plastic, which, along with a high standard of hygiene, allows the buyer to see the goods.
For the packaging industry the main objective is to increase productivity. Implemented integration dosing and weighing operations in a single packaging process, however, the speed of the packaging machine is still insufficient.
In March , successfully passed the first exhibition  in , where his exhibition presented 225 companies from 9 countries. The number of visitors was 32,544 from 42 countries.


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